common books is a collaborative editorial project involving architects, artists, curators, writers and other cultural producers who share an interest in thinking critically about the built environment. founded in 2008, common books functions as an independent publishing platform that engages a range of scales in production and dissemination, and elaborates on the notion of a provisional architectural practice.

common books is distributed worldwide by idea books.

disquietude. architecture and energy in portugal, december 2022, brussels, be
negotiating ungers 2. the oberhausen institute and the materiality of the social, december 2022, brussels, be
negotiating ungers. the aesthetics of sustainability, december 2019, brussels, be
the public school for architecture brussels, october 2015, brussels, be
arts for living, march 2013, new york, us
communist guide to new york city, november 2008, new york, us
common circular 5 – new city reader politics section, december 2010, new york, us
common circular 4 – public school for architecture new york fall 2009, february 2010, new york, us
common circular 3 – lower manhattan cultural council lentspace late edition, november 2009, new york, us
common circular 2 – common room presents dexter sinister presents common room, june 2009, new york, us
common circular 1 – new practices new york | 2008, september 2008, new york, us